sábado, 20 de diciembre de 2008

The motorbike law has been passed

The low priced and low quality motorbikes would almost reach 50% of the integration in 2009 due to the new formula propossed by the Congress. On the other hand, the good and reliable motos of well known brands wouldn’t reach 25% of the CIM. (*)
The motorbike law has been passed and it is a matter of time to have the regulation passed aswell. It is based on a formula that says that the CIM is the result of dividing the CIF Price by the Factory Price.
From my point of view, the national integration programme should have been planned following the progressive and contemplative system designed by the president, Cristina de Kirchner with the Industry Secretary, Fernando Fraguio and the companies of the area, but it is said that the people from the Congress think that “by making the system stricter, the integration will increase quicker” These people have completely changed the president’s proposal and it will be as followed; 2009, 50%; 2010, 55%; 2011, 60%; 2012, 65% and 2013, 70%.
For national components, the previously mentioned formula is 21% for a good quality moto and 46% for a lower quality one.
As you can see, the ones who bring good quality vehicles for reasonable prices are at a great disadvantage.
However, regulation is still missing and it is in this process where the legislators should take care of the consumers. They might notice that people with little investment would reach the 50%, meanwhile the companies who have invested millions would only reach the 3 or 4% of the integration.
If they don’t take into account these facts, there could be fewer investments in the future and there could also be fewer job positions.
We should support the presidential project which would create new jobs and would allow consumers to buy their first vehicle, being a trustable one, and not having to buy a doubtful quality moto made with imported components.

(*) CIM: Componente Maximo Importado.

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